
Tags: all untagged decoder DSP Default UI element Columns UI panel game music playback control tagging visualization diagnostic media library viewer playlist management output playback statistics search user interface visualizer demoscene queue remote control Super Nintendo Amiga archive automation Commodore 64 console output converter display headphones Nintendo playlist SQL streaming synthesizer album art Atari BPM Commodore 128 comparator crossfeed demo music DVD audio lyrics MIDI Nintendo DS nostalgia notifications portable devices ReplayGain resampler reverb scheduler skip ABX Acorn AdLib Amstrad CPC audio cd backup Blu-ray audio bookmark Browser clipboard Columns UI panel host compressor configuration crossfade decode postprocessor discogs Discord dynamics echo emulator fade GameBoy gapless HTML JavaScript limiter lossless MSX MUS MusicBrainz network Nintendo 64 Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy Advance OPL2 packet decoder PC98 Peak Meter pitch shift playback playlist export playlist view PMD podcast QSound random remote library repair Sam Coupe Sega CD Sega Dreamcast Sega Genesis Sega Mega Drive Sega Saturn SID skip statistics Skype Sony Playstation Sony Playstation 2 Spotify Super Famicom Surround svg TurboGrafX video Vorbis VST Winamp ZX Spectrum


Audio processing effects, for both playback and conversion.

NameLast UpdateDescription
Affix silence 0.0.12
Tags: DSP
2023-03-18Inserts a configurable amount of silence after and/or before each track to help external devices like ...
Alternative ReplayGain 1.0
Tags: DSP, ReplayGain, tagging
2018-08-06Alternative ReplayGain engine. Should be faster as it does not use FFT. Please note that reference frequency ...
Dolby Headphone Wrapper 1.4.1
Tags: DSP, headphones
2010-01-22Dolby Headphone technology gives you the sound of a 5.1 surround system through any pair of headphones. ...
EBU R128 Normalizer 1.13
Tags: DSP
2023-03-05This component provides a simple DSP for normalizing audio tracks using a running windowed calculation ...
Effect DSP 0.53
Tags: DSP, echo, pitch shift, reverb
2024-10-31Includes the following effects: ...
Equalizer split 0.0.2
Tags: DSP
2023-01-15A meta-DSP that feeds each channel into a separate equalizer instance.
Fade In/Out DSP 1.0.7
Tags: DSP, fade
2023-03-16Allows adding linear, sine, cosine, or logarithmic shaped fade-in and fade-out effects. ...
Fake Gapless DSP 0.6
Tags: converter, DSP, gapless
2023-03-16Briefly fades track changes to silence to avoid glitches with gapless tracks when encoded with some lossy ...
Graphic Equalizer 0.3.7
Tags: DSP
2012-02-05A graphic equalizer featuring ...
Impulse Response Convolver 0.3.3
Tags: DSP
2019-12-16Allows arbitrary effects to be captured and used inside foobar2000.
MathAudio Headphone EQ 1.5.2
Tags: crossfeed, DSP, headphones
2024-04-17- Helps to detect and compensate for the unwanted resonances in high-quality headphones and earphones. ...
MathAudio Room EQ 2.8.4
Tags: DSP
2023-12-14Corrects deficiencies of room acoustics (multipoint compensation). ...
Meier Crossfeed 1.1.1
Tags: crossfeed, DSP, headphones
2018-01-06Software implementation of Meier Audio's natural crossfeed filter. ...
MultiResampler 1.1.2
Tags: DSP, resampler
2017-06-01This component contains multiple low latency resamplers, designed for experimental purposes, but may ...
Noise Sharpening 1.0
Tags: DSP
2023-03-16The Noise Sharpening DSP boosts high frequencies. The effect depends on the signal's sample rate.
Programmable reverb DSP 1.3
Tags: DSP, reverb
2017-02-03This component is loosely based on the Sony PlayStation 1 and 2 reverb engine, based on code from the ...
ReplayGain DSP 0.2.17
Tags: DSP
2024-09-24Alternative ReplayGain implementation with support for smarter automatic mode selection. Automatic mode ...
Skip Track 1.40
Tags: bookmark, converter, DSP, playback control, skip
2024-05-07Allows you to skip tracks that match a specified search query. By default the component will skip all ...
Smart Dither DSP 1.0.9
Tags: converter, DSP
2023-03-16TPDF dither DSP that leaves digital silence untouched. ...
Sqrsoft Advanced Crossfader 1.0
Tags: crossfade, dsp
2020-08-28This DSP allows you to smart-crossfade 2 tracks. ...
SqrSoft Compressor/Limiter 1.0
Tags: compressor, dsp, dynamics, limiter
2020-08-31This component is based on the model of an analog audio compressor, and will simulate the operation of ...
SRC Resampler 1.0.14
Tags: DSP
2023-03-16Secret Rabbit Code resampler. Uses libsamplerate 0.2.2.
Subwoofer 2.0
Tags: DSP
2018-07-17Extract bass from the source signal using linear phase low-pass filter and send it to the LFE channel. ...
Trifield LR→LRC Decoder DSP 1.1.4
Tags: DSP
2023-03-16An implementation of Michael Gerzon's Trifield decoder. ...
Triple Stereo 3.1.1
Tags: DSP, Surround
2022-02-05Convert stereo to 3 channels - left, right and center using FFT.
Utility DSP Array 1.3.2
Tags: DSP
2023-02-23Contains the following utility DSP modules: ...
Vocal Exciter DSP 1.0.3
Tags: DSP
2023-03-16Adds harmonically related distortion to high frequencies to give more presence. Based on similarly named ...
Vorbis Streamer 1.1
Tags: DSP, network, streaming, Vorbis
2009-11-18Streams Vorbis and associated metadata to Icecast2 and Shoutcast servers.
How to install a component?