
Skip Track

By: Case

Allows you to skip tracks that match a specified search query. By default the component will skip all files with RATING set to 1. The query is configured in Preferences -> Tools -> Skip Track.

Starting from version 1.5 time expressions are supported. For example to skip all bad or recently played files you can use the following query: %rating% IS 1 OR %last_played% DURING LAST 8 HOURS
(Using %last_played% requires foo_playcount).

Skip query also offers $rand() field to generate random number from 0 to 2^32-1. %playlist_name% returns the name of the playlist where the current file is played from. And %playback_order% returns the playback order name.

The component also offers functionality to skip only parts of a track. To utilize the partial skipping set a tag field SKIP with timecodes that you want skipped. For example SKIP=0:00:00-0:01:25 (or simply SKIP=-0:01:25) to skip the first 85 seconds.

Current version: 1.40, released on 2024-05-07

Change log:

  • Removed restriction where manual bookmarking was only allowed for local file paths.
  • DSP is no longer forcefully activated unless the component is enabled.
  • Removed some support code for foobar2000 versions older than 1.5 as new SDK isn't compatible with those versions anyway.
  • Repeat skip detection improved, status is now reset when playing a track that isn't skipped.

Supported processor architectures: x86 32-bit, x86 64-bit.

Works with foobar2000 v1.6 and newer


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Tags: bookmark, converter, DSP, playback control, skip

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