Skip Track
By: Case
Allows you to skip tracks that match a specified search query. By default the component will skip all files with RATING set to 1. The query is configured in Preferences -> Tools -> Skip Track.
Starting from version 1.5 time expressions are supported. For example to skip all bad or recently played files you can use the following query: %rating% IS 1 OR %last_played% DURING LAST 8 HOURS
(Using %last_played% requires
Skip query also offers $rand() field to generate random number from 0 to 2^32-1. %playlist_name% returns the name of the playlist where the current file is played from. And %playback_order% returns the playback order name.
The component also offers functionality to skip only parts of a track. To utilize the partial skipping set a tag field SKIP with timecodes that you want skipped. For example SKIP=0:00:00-0:01:25 (or simply SKIP=-0:01:25) to skip the first 85 seconds.
Current version: 1.40, released on 2024-05-07
Change log:
Removed restriction where manual bookmarking was only allowed for local file paths.
DSP is no longer forcefully activated unless the component is enabled.
Removed some support code for foobar2000 versions older than 1.5 as new SDK isn't compatible with those versions anyway.
Repeat skip detection improved, status is now reset when playing a track that isn't skipped.
Supported processor architectures: x86 32-bit, x86 64-bit.
Works with foobar2000 v1.6 and newer
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Tags: bookmark, converter, DSP, playback control, skip
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