Releases of
Analog VU Meter Visualisation
current version, released on: 2025-03-08
Catch DirectX adapter creation runtime errors to stop UI element window creation (instead of exiting foobar2000 with a "crash")
Add "%fb2k_profile_path%" and environment variable expansion to advanced panels directory option
Update project files for "Whole Program Optimization" on "Release" configurations [developer]
Remove "main" instance pointer from plugin configuration [developer]
Rename `OutputDebugMessage()` to `OutputWindowMessage()` [developer]
Handle `WM_COPYDATA` [developer]
Fix misused pragma directives [developer]
Add `DumpDebugMessage()` functions [developer]
Update foobar2000 SDK to 2025-03-07 [developer]
Update Zstd to 1.5.7 [developer]
Update UnRAR to 7.1.5 [developer]
released on: 2025-02-09
Fix Columns UI window not moving back into its previous position when returning from fullscreen
Set the same minimum window width and height for all scenarios
Fix `GraphicsMemory` exit crash due to missed instance decrement on Columns UI layout update [developer]
Update build configuration [developer]
released on: 2025-02-05
Use thread pool timers instead of Win32 timers for rendering
Add screensaver mode
Improve Columns UI host transparency behavior
Fix some Columns UI fullscreen issues
Refactor AIMP VU meter compositing
Add Lzip decompression
Update ActiveX interface
Add more context menu options
Update tuning dialog layout
Improve synchronization between the tuning dialog, context menu and visualization
released on: 2025-02-04
Use Win32 timer for transparent hosts in Columns UI
Set the window icon for Columns UI
Mark fullscreen option as the default in the context menu
released on: 2025-02-03
Remove `SMTO_NOTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG` in an attempt to fix the resize slowdown/stutter
Make transparency option per instance instead of global
released on: 2025-02-02
Reduce flickering and stuttering when transparency is enabled
Refactor AIMP VU meter compositing
Set aspect ratio lock on fullscreen entry in Default UI and also restore state prior to entry on exit
Add user messages to window message tracer [developer]
Handle `WM_UPDATEUISTATE` message [developer]
Remove main thread-only workarounds [developer]
Suppress Direct3D 12 warning messages [developer]
released on: 2025-01-31
Remove glass scaling hacks for AIMP VU meters
Update tuning dialog icon
Extend "Ignore Defaults" option
Update ActiveX interface
Grab focus on left mouse button click
Add option for opening VU meter profile folder in Windows Explorer
Enable VU meter path update in advanced preferences without restarting to see change
Use `/utf-8` compile option [developer]
Make panel search functions static [developer]
Use macros for tuning parameter limits [developer]
released on: 2025-01-29
Eliminate slightly visible misalignment/separation in joints between left and right panels in the various layout modes
Fix loading both separate panel BINs from a RAR archive
Disable specific interactions on the context menu when the tuning dialog is open
Disable configure dialog context menu command during fullscreen
Update options/parameters that are saved and/or restored on "OK", "Cancel" and "Reset" of the tuning dialog
Update first run routines
Change COM layout enumeration to match internal version
Add version string and icon to the layout of the tuning dialog
Centralize component version string generation [developer]
Create a Windows SDK version string macro [developer]
Move window message tracing under the `_TRACE` macro instead of `_DEBUG` [developer]
Move tuning dialog declaration into its own header file [developer]
Reorder some configuration GUIDs [developer]
released on: 2025-01-27
Add screensaver mode
Identify layout preference encoded into file name
Fix incorrect layout override in screensaver mode
Use thread pool timers instead of Win32 timers for rendering
Apply transparency to left and right panels in single panel BIN
Fix LZMA decompression for files that do not specify their unpacked size
Modify LZMA file reading and position tracking
Fix configuration dialog panel mismatch
Make non-UI COM/ActiveX default for build
Change preprocessor macros for non-UI COM/ActiveX [developer]
Work around ELPlaylist crash on exit
Handle `WM_ACTIVATE` and return focus to foobar2000 main window on fullscreen exit
Fix "empty initialization" crashes
Protect non-Boolean settings from falling out of valid range when getting/setting them from/to the configuration database
Fix instance saved panel list position out-of-bounds crash on startup
Identify when VU meter files have been deleted between sessions
Fix Columns UI crashes from phantom instance causing full "window destruction" on layout editing's "Apply"
Prevent untimely `OnWindowSwap()` call that destroys the video adapter device
Remove Columns UI extended window styles
Update version numbering for last word
Update libzip to 1.11.3 [developer]
Fix Sanitize configuration runtime error and non-COM build [developer]
Update file header comments [developer]
Streamline headers and inclusions [developer]
Tighten access modifiers in UI element class and its derived classes [developer]
Fix `OnContextMenu()` for Default UI [developer]
Add new prerelease version numbering scheme [developer]
released on: 2025-01-22
Fix Columns UI transparency after fullscreen
Fix screen vs. render target size mismatch on fullscreen [developer]
Update Columns UI window styles [developer]
Add configurable options to main menu skin selector
Extend `LoadPanel()` method with wrapping functionality
Synchronize tune dialog controls to instance state and vice versa
Add `WM_PANEL_CHANGE` message for tuning dialog [developer]
Document versions for component's third-party libraries in UI "About"
Reenable WARP adapter fallback on release builds
Add independent COM VU meter instance
Refactor `IVUMeter` constructor and destructor [developer]
Consolidate level calculation in COM VU meter [developer]
Fix RC VU meter loading [developer]
Improve thread pool timer performance by using per-instance critical sections [developer]
Fix thread pool timer hang on close due to `SendMessage()` [developer]
Work around playback status outside of main thread [developer]
Add missing preprocessor macro conditionals [developer]
Remove unused visualization stream [developer]
Centralize CRT debugging directives [developer]
released on: 2025-01-20
Implement transparent bitmap extension to the BIN VU meter file specification
Extend render target for GDI-drawing into a texture 2-D resource to implement pseudo-transparency
Add "Transparent" context menu option
Add screenshot capability
Move panel list and configuration into client
Implement panel directory memoization for main menu, gestures and COM Automation
Centralize in-group meter switching to replace mailbox
Reorganize header inclusions for updated architecture [developer]
Add inertia envelope for audio levels
Add "Inertia" context menu option
Set "Inertia" to its default value on context menu "Reset" command
Default "Inertia" to enabled
Add "Inertia" and "Level" options to tuning dialog
Fix double application of "Inertia"
Fix Columns UI fullscreen within Panel Stack Splitter crash
Adjust context menu logic for improved display of enabled and disabled options
Update advanced preferences
Add console debug output option
Categorize console messages for debug output
Update hashing and encode/decode functions [developer]
Skip GDI drawing when fullscreen [developer]
Update UnRAR to 7.1.3 [developer]
Update Columns UI SDK to 8.0.0-beta.1 [developer]
Update repository setup and component build scripts
Update preprocessor macros [developer]
Clean up file formatting [developer]
Fix thread pool timer build (not performant) [developer]
Update COM interface definition file
Extend `IVUMeter` with additional methods
released on: 2025-01-14
Default to locked aspect ratio during CUI fullscreen
Clean COM implementation
released on: 2025-01-12
Add Automation support
Implement `IVUMeter` and `IVUMeterWindow` properties and methods
Add Detours library [developer]
Fix empty directory crash
Fix RAR file unpacking with numbered BINs
Update copyright year
released on: 2024-12-26
Fix bitmap scaling issues in context menu
Add "Disallow Fullscreen" option to context menu
Fix setup script [developer]
Add menu debug messages [developer]
Refactor edit box code in tuning dialog [developer]
released on: 2024-12-19
Refine configuration dialog box behaviors
released on: 2024-12-15
Add tuning dialog box
released on: 2024-12-08
Improve tuning selection using mouse wheel, modifier keys and buttons 4 and 5
Add capability to read non-embedded INI files
Remove requirement for space before 1 or 2 and the file name inside RAR
Fix some code analysis warnings [developer]
Reorganize some code for proper syntax highlighting [developer]
released on: 2024-12-07
Add EBU R 128 library and level mode
Add an expiring timer to the menu panel swap
Fix advanced preferences panel path infinite loop
Add `Escape` and `RAlt/AltGr` as modifier keys on the mouse wheel to change tuning parameter
Add mouse buttons 4 and 5 to change tuning parameter
Implement "press and tap" touch gesture to change skins
Add option to ignore default skin settings
Add ability to extract independent left and right panels from RAR archive
Enable capture of curve adjustment parameter from INI file
Update resource string table layout [developer]
Make minor changes and rename some files [developer]
released on: 2024-12-04
Fix duplicate Columns UI visualization menu entry
Improve saving global component settings on exit
Reset and initialize per-instance settings in Columns UI
Update foobar2000 SDK to 2024-12-03 [developer]
Update LZMA SDK to 24.09 [developer]
Build "shared" library for ARM64 [developer]
released on: 2024-12-03
Separate component and per-instance settings
Add panel/skin selection options to main menu
Add Columns UI color awareness
Modify "no files found" message
Fix minor Analyze warnings [developer]
released on: 2024-11-27
Enable rendering Direct3D elements on top of Direct2D UI
Add 3D movement
Add dynamic texture mode
Add switchable textures
Add Direct3D objects
Fix texture initialization due to incomplete file availability
Remove large blocks of dead code [developer]
Invert DirectX preprocessor macros [developer]
Implement `.ini` file background color override
Enable zlib to decompress concatenated Gzip'd files
Add LZ4 decompression capability
Add first run data copy bootstrap routine
Streamline file compression identification during panel search
Improve release build speed [developer]
Remove extraneous DLL exports [developer]
Refactor repetitive decompression code [developer]
Update file handling utility functions [developer]
Improve error handling and exit conditions of decompression functions [developer]
Optimize Gzip and Zstandard decompression functions [developer]
Optimize libzip build configuration [developer]
Optimize zlib build configuration and remove files with unneeded functions [developer]
Build bzip2 library with `BZ_NO_STDIO` defined and use only its low-level library functions [developer]
Normalize and simplify library MSBuild project files [developer]
Add WARP NuGet package [developer]
Add WARP and data bundling capabilities to packaging script [developer]
Add additional CI cache clean up [developer]
Add repository set up script [developer]
Update `.gitattributes` with new formats [developer]
released on: 2024-11-23
Add frame counter
Add video freeze option
Enable reading Gzip-compressed `.bin` files
Read `.ini` file inside RAR archive and update settings
Reduce NuGet cache size [developer]
Fix long build time for UnRAR in ARM64EC platform [developer]
Refactor compression and archive functions [developer]
Add parallel build capability to packaging script [developer]
released on: 2024-11-21
Implement Columns UI support
Speed up initialization
Refine fullscreen
Fix settings save and reload
Allow WARP rasterizer in release configurations
Fix stuck LEDs
Make INI reading more robust
Add Zstandard library for reading `.bin` files
Add UnRAR library for reading `.bin`+`.ini` archives
Update DirectXTK library and device resources [developer]
Rename mINI library directory [developer]
released on: 2024-11-19
Add "Mixed" levels capability for all panel flavors and associated menu option
Fix concatenated `.bin` file with LEDs crash
Fix peak level value on stop
released on: 2024-11-15
Use orientation parameter for LVU panels
Implement reversed `dbs` table drawing
released on: 2024-11-15
Use peak level for AIMP analog LEDs in RMS mode
Use panel flavor in settings to disable menu items
Remove "dB" units from zero frame
Add "epsilon" to decay comparison
Fix uninitialized variable warning [developer]
released on: 2024-11-07
Display literal ampersands (`&`) in context menu properly
Fix AIMP skin needles with very large pivot points
released on: 2024-11-06
Refine point-slope formula for AIMP skin angles
Add additional mouse wheel modifier keys
Make default background color to be theme-aware
Add easter egg
Reorder some `if/else` clauses [developer]
Improve structure memory layout [developer]
Wrap `EndDraw()` call with `ThrowIfFailed()` [developer]
Update `libzip` version [developer]
released on: 2024-10-24
Add multi-channel mixing
Improve needle movement for all variants
Add discrete LED support to AIMP skins
Fix interpolation calculation for LVU skins
Add "remove background" option
Remove "linear" level mode
Prevent "range" tuning option from applying to "LKFS" level mode
Remove "more" decay option
Sample all edges for background color
released on: 2024-10-22
Enable LVU skins
released on: 2024-10-22
Fix tuning range enable condition
released on: 2024-10-21
Support multiple embedded instance windows
Draw and load square radio bitmap
Fix panel load message
Fix bitmap loader
Refactor graphics memory [developer]
Fix instance tracker [developer]
Add instance ID [developer]
released on: 2024-10-18
Improve AIMP skin support (single-panel, L/R panel horizontal, L/R panel vertical)
Update component information
Add modifier keys to gain tuning
Improve LZMA vs. uncompressed file detection heuristic
Refactor to share AIMP skin and foobar2000 panel base [developer]
Update CI pipeline and build flow [developer]
Rewrite waveform operations using idiomatic C++ [developer]
Remove unused directives and collateral files from build dependencies [developer]
released on: 2024-10-16
Add AIMP skin support [barely functional]
released on: 2024-10-14
Fix dark/light mode bitmaps by creating one set for each window instance
Add option to disable tuning and mouse wheel
Add linear level and range control
Implement mid/side processing
released on: 2024-10-09
Implement dynamic dark and light mode switching
Map peak and RMS level modes to 0dB and -3db, respectively
Adjust "Sensitivity" option to use zero-frame
Rename "Sensitivity" and "Epsilon" options to "Zero" and "Jitter", respectively
Add controllable preamplifier "Gain" option
Fix message box for non-existent panel directory error
Make all strings resources [developer]
released on: 2024-10-08
Add middle click to reset current tuning parameter
Implement recursive file context menu/search
Updated dark mode colors
released on: 2024-10-07
Initial public release.