
Releases of WebView current version, released on: 2024-08-10

  • New: The Fluent scrollbar style can be disabled.
    • The component needs to be restarted for the change to become active.
    • Be sure to use separate user data folders when you have multiple instances that use different styles. released on: 2024-07-14

  • New: In Private mode can be enabled in the Preferences dialog and is no longer enabled by default (alpha3).
  • New:
    • Methods
      • GetArtwork(): Gets the embedded artwork (front / back / disc / icon / artist) from the current playing item (alpha1).
        • Fixed support for other artwork types (alpha2, regression).
        • Added support for WebP images (alpha2).
        • Always returns an empty data URI in case of an error or if the specified artwork type is not available (alpha2).
        • The album art search patterns are used first. If no matching file can be found, the embedded artwork gets queried (alpha3).
  • Changed: Updated the WebView2 SDK to the latest version (alpha3). released on: 2024-07-09

  • New: Added a setting to clear the browsing data on startup or not. released on: 2024-07-08

  • New: Each instance of the component can have a name to easier distinguish between them.
  • New: The location of the WebView user data folder can be specified in the Preferences dialog.
    • Note: The existing folder will not be moved or deleted. The new location will only be used after restarting foobar2000.
  • New: Made the sample chunks from the foobar2000 visualization stream available to JavaScript.
  • New: The component uses the DUI and CUI foreground and background color (alpha2).
  • New: The window size can be specified in milliseconds or samples (alpha2).
  • New: The reaction alignment can be specified (alpha2) to position the window behind or ahead of the playback samples.
  • New: Added methods and properties to chrome.webview.hostObjects.sync.foo_uie_webview (alpha5):
    • Properties
      • ComponentVersion and ComponentVersionText: The version of this component as packed integer and as text.
      • IsPlaying: Gets whether playback is active.
      • IsPaused: Gets whether playback is active and in paused state.
      • StopAfterCurrent: Gets or sets the stop-after-current-track option state.
      • Length: Gets the length of the currently playing item, in seconds.
      • Position: Gets the playback position within the currently playing item, in seconds.
      • CanSeek: Gets whether currently playing track is seekable. If it's not, Seek/SeekDelta calls will be ignored.
      • Volume: Gets or sets the playback volume in dBFS. Use 0 for full volume.
      • IsMuted: Gets whether playback is muted.
    • Methods
      • Print(text): Prints text from JavaScript on the foobar2000 console.
      • Stop(): Stops playback.
      • Play(paused): Starts playback, paused or unpaused. If playback is already active, existing process is stopped first.
      • Pause(paused): Pauses or resumes playback.
      • Previous(): Plays the previous track from the current playlist according to the current playback order.
      • Next(): Plays the next track from the current playlist according to the current playback order.
      • Random(): Plays a random track from the current playlist (aka Shuffle).
      • TogglePause(): Toggles the pause status.
      • ToggleMute(): Toggles playback mute state.
      • ToggleStopAfterCurrent(): Toggles the stop-after-current mode.
      • VolumeUp(): Increases the volume with one step.
      • VolumeDown(): Decreases the volume with one step.
      • Seek(time): Seeks in the currently playing track to the specified time, in seconds.
      • SeekDelta(delta): Seeks in the currently playing track forward or backwards by the specified delta time, in seconds.
  • New: Each instance of the component uses its own browser profile.
  • Improved: WebView is a Utility panel again and can be shown as a popup (alpha5).
  • Improved: Enabled more options in WebView2 to better support dark mode (alpha3).
  • Fixed: A last-minute change (never a good thing) broke the support for multiple instances of the Preferences dialog box.
  • Fixed: Javascript example code (alpha2)
  • Fixed: Support for tracks with more than 2 channels was not implemented correctly (alpha2).
  • Fixed: The background color of the WebView is now correctly and dynamically set (alpha3).