
Tags: all untagged decoder Default UI element visualization Columns UI panel game music MIDI synthesizer visualizer Browser Commodore 128 Commodore 64 demo music HTML JavaScript MUS PC98 Peak Meter PMD SID VST


Components by: pqyt [show all]

NameLast UpdateDescription
MIDI Player
Tags: decoder, MIDI, synthesizer, VST
2025-03-19foo_midi is a foobar2000 component that adds playback of MIDI files to foobar2000. ...
Tags: Browser, Columns UI panel, Default UI element, HTML, JavaScript, visualization
2024-12-15foo_uie_webview is a component that exposes the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control as UI panel. The component ...
SID Player
Tags: Commodore 128, Commodore 64, decoder, demo music, game music, MUS, SID
2024-10-20foo_sid is a foobar2000 component that adds playback of SID and MUS files to foobar2000. ...
Spectrum Analyzer
Tags: Columns UI panel, Default UI element, Peak Meter, visualization, visualizer
2024-04-17foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer is a foobar2000 component that implements a spectrum analyzer panel. ...
MIDI Visualizer
Tags: Default UI element, MIDI, visualization, visualizer
2023-12-24foo_vis_midi is a foobar2000 component to visualize MIDI events.
PMD Decoder
Tags: decoder, game music, PC98, PMD, synthesizer
2023-11-12foo_input_pmd is a foobar2000 component that adds playback of Professional Music Driver (PMD) files to ...
How to install a component?