
Tags: all untagged decoder game music archive demoscene DSP DVD audio Nintendo Nintendo DS Super Nintendo Amiga Blu-ray audio Commodore 128 Commodore 64 decode postprocessor display Nintendo 64 Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy Advance packet decoder QSound remote control resampler reverb Sega CD Sega Dreamcast Sega Genesis Sega Mega Drive Sega Saturn Sony Playstation Sony Playstation 2 Super Famicom synthesizer


Components by: kode54 [show all]

NameLast UpdateDescription
Lunar 2 PCM decoder 0.9
Tags: decoder, game music, Sega CD
2018-01-30Decodes the RP*.PCM files from the Lunar: Eternal Blue disc for the Sega CD console. Includes bundled ...
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